3. DAO Treasury
When setting up a DAO it will be possible to determine:
· What tokens the DAO Treasury can accept in exchange for GT (USDT, USDC, DAI, ETH, BTC, etc.).
· What portion of the DAO income stays in the DAO Treasury for reinvestment and other tasks, and what portion is used to buy tokens back from the market or pay dividends.
· Which share or how many of the bought or redeemed DAO tokens are to be kept in reserve (for staking or additional issue), and which are to be "burned". Schedule/conditions for the "burning" of tokens.
· Token staking parameters: timing, rates, type of crypto reward, settings for different tiers of GT holders, whether permanent staking is possible (not only during voting).
· In which DeFi protocols DAO Treasury can place temporarily free funds and in what proportion/amount/priority/algorithm. In the future we seek to develop and connect various DeFi asset management modules.
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