Voting on Investment Projects
Experts form an Investment Project profile according to certain requirements for its format and content. In particular, the profile shall reflect the following information:
· A link to the forum/chat with the discussion of the project;
· The required amount of investment size, allocation schedule, cryptocurrency type;
· Transit wallets with a description and chain of transits, "white list" of wallets-recipients of funds;
· Presentation materials on the project.
Only the Expert or the Manager (V) can initiate submission of an Investment Project to the on-chain DAO Voting Type II.
Voting on Investment Projects takes place on the blockchain and includes the following steps (all numerical parameters, including the terms T0-T1-T2-T3 and parameters marked V and N, are customizable):
1. Experts & Protectors Vote
Duration = T0 (minimum 48 hours).
- 1 Expert = 1 vote (V), 1 Protector = 1 vote.
- The Investment Project must be approved by the majority of Experts AND the majority of Protectors.
2. Voting Queue
Duration = T1 (minimum 48 hours).
- Common with Voting on Proposals stage.
- Investment Projects have a higher priority than Proposals, except for the appointment of Experts, Protectors or Manager & Proposals with maximum support.
3. DAO Voting type II
Duration = T2 (minimum 72 hours).
- An Investment Project is DISAPPROVED if there are more "Against" votes than the minimum threshold (V) and the number of "For" votes. OR there are not enough funds in the DAO Treasury to invest in the project.
- Otherwise the Investment Project is approved.
4. Ragequit Timeout
Duration = T3 (minimum 24 hours). Not activated if there are no "Against" votes in the "DAO Voting type II" phase. The rules are the same as for Voting on Proposals.
5. Execution
Funds are immediately transferred from the DAO Treasury to the wallets specified in the Investment Project.
Last updated