1. Experts & Protectors Vote

An investment project can be submitted to the Experts and Protectors Vote after the project profile has been formed and on the condition the required investment size does not exceed the amount of DAO Treasury assets and the investment size limit set for the Experts. Investment projects with the required investment size exceeding this limit are considered under the Voting on Proposals procedure.

Experts & Protectors Vote lasts for time T0, e.g., 72 hours (V). Experts and Protectors can vote "For", "Against" the project or abstain from voting. An investment project is considered to be accepted by the Experts and Protectors if:

· There are more "For" votes by Experts than "Against" votes and abstentions. The settings will allow for individual Experts to have more than 1 vote. For example, Chief Expert with 2 votes;

· There are more “For” votes by Protectors than “Against” votes and abstentions. If a Protector abstains from voting, he/she is considered to be not fulfilling his/her duties, with the corresponding stipulated consequences regarding his/her reward and their future in the role of DAO (V) Protector.

An Investment Project is considered blocked by Protectors if there are more Protectors' votes “Against” and abstaining than there are votes “For”.

Last updated