DAO Participants / Token Holders
A DAO participant is a person who owns any number of GT (Governance Tokens) or DAO NFT. To register as a potential DAO Participant, you need a working crypto-wallet with available cryptocurrencies, or an email address. In the latter case, the Platform itself will create a crypto-wallet on the smart contract that services a limited list of cryptocurrencies, which the Platform supports. The Platform will not work with fiat currencies.
DAO participants can:
· Freely (in the basic version) buy and sell GT;
· Make Proposals regarding the appointment (replacement) of Experts, Protectors and Manager, payment for their work, investment of DAO funds, budgets and DAO governance rules and other issues relating to the DAO activities. In the basic version, the DAO Treasury charges a certain small amount of GT for making proposals;
· Vote on Proposals (in the basic version 1 GT = 1 vote) and get rewarded for staking. The support of proposals and participation in the voting implies GT staking until the end of the voting. For this, DAO participants receive a reward in GT, which encourages them to participate more actively in voting;
· Vote for the cancellation (support) of the decisions of Experts and Protectors on the investment of DAO funds in Investment Projects before the execution of such decisions;
· Withdraw from the DAO in case of disagreement with the decisions adopted by the general vote of the DAO, while receiving a proportional part of the (tokenized) assets contained in the DAO treasury in exchange for their tokens ("Ragequit" with the transfer of assets to an individual wallet on the Platform or to fork the DAO);
Delegate their voting rights to other DAO participants.
Last updated