Voting Mechanism

In decentralized autonomous organizations, decisions are made based on voting. Voting processes are determined by rules encoded in one or more smart contracts on the blockchain. The content of these rules is determined by DAO parameters (variables), which DAO participants can change by putting the relevant questions to DAO Voting.

The JMC DAO model proposes dividing all questions that may require DAO participants' decisions into 2 groups, to which different voting approaches (voting types) are applied:

· Voting on Proposals covers voting on all DAO issues except those related to Investment Projects.

For a Proposal to be accepted by the DAO, it must receive a certain minimum number of GT votes from DAO members in support of it as well as there must be more GT votes in support of the Proposal than against it.

· Voting on Investment Projects.

Investment Projects are the primary day-to-day activity of the DAO. An Investment Project will be funded by the DAO if (a) the majority of the Experts and Protectors vote for it first, and (b) later on if the DAO Voting does NOT gain a certain minimum number of GT votes against it OR the number of GT votes in support of the Investment Project exceeds the number of votes against it.

There will be a long menu of pre-programmed "Standard Proposals" which could be selected by DAO participants and put to vote to change DAO parameters including Proposals to modify previously established DAO settings.

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