4. Classes of Standard Proposals
All Standard Proposals can be divided into classes. Settings related to making and voting on Proposals can be defined for individual Proposals and for a class of Proposals as a whole. For example, one class may include the following Proposals:
· Change of Protector, dismissal of the entire Council of Protectors, and a cap on the size of an Investment Project that can be approved by the Experts and Protectors Vote. For all of these Proposals, there may be higher GT balance requirements on the Proposal initiator' wallet, higher Proposal Sponsorship Fee, and a higher approval threshold by the DAO Voting;
· On paying Expert bonuses, replacing one Expert, and allocating a budget to a relatively small Investment Project. It makes sense that these proposals would have lower requirements for the Proposal initiator, for the Proposal Sponsorship Fee, and a lower approval threshold by the DAO Voting.
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