6. Investment Projects
When setting up the DAO, it will be possible to determine the parameters related to Investment Projects:
· How soon after creation can the DAO invest in Investment Projects? In some cases, it may be necessary to delay enabling this functionality.
· Maximum and minimum size (amount, limit) of the Investment Project that Experts can submit to the Experts and Protectors Vote.
· The sizes of the block thresholds for the Investment Projects of different sizes for DAO Voting Type II.
· Requirements to the composition of the Investment Project profile to be put up for Expert and Protector Vote:
o Type of Investment Project for voting purposes: proposal to invest (withdraw from investment) in a "real" asset, proposal to invest (withdraw from investment) in a crypto-asset, etc.
o Size (amount) of the Investment Project. The number and type of tokens that the DAO Treasury should allocate to the project.
o Investment allocation schedule.
o Wallet addresses to be used to fund the Investment Project: the address of the recipient of tokens allocated from DAO Treasury, "transit" wallets and "white"/ "black" lists (if any), treasury addresses in case of return of unused funds, for crediting purchased tokenized assets (if applicable), for crediting of project income.
o Description of the Investment project for the DAO participants.
· For Investment Projects whose purpose is to exit projects/sell assets, the Ragequit option may be disabled after a DAO Voting Type II.
· If the Investment Project is not supported by the Panel of Experts or blocked by the Protectors, after what period of time it can be put to the Experts and Protectors Vote again.
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